Reading & Writing

1 Review

Course Description

(ISE I) The Speaking & Listening exam is a one-to-one interview with a Trinity examiner.

The exam is in three parts:

Topic task (4 minutes) – You need to talk about a topic you have already prepared
Conversation task (2 minutes) – In this part of the exam, you and the examiner have a conversation on one of the B1 subject areas
Independent listening tasks (7 minutes) – You listen to two recordings and take notes. The examiner will ask you about the recordings

(ISE II) The Speaking & Listening exam is a one-to-one interview with a Trinity examiner.

The exam is in four parts:

Topic task – You need to talk about a topic you have already prepared
Collaborative task – The examiner reads the candidate a prompt. The candidate responds to the prompt by starting, leading and maintaining the interaction and discuss it with the examiner
Conversation task – Discuss a topic with the examiner on one of the B2 subject areas
Independent listening tasks – You listen to a recording twice, the first time you have to summarize in one or two sentences what the speaker is generally talking about, the second time you can take notes and you have to give details about the listening to the examiner

(ISE III) The Speaking & Listening exam is a one-to-one interview with a Trinity examiner.

The exam is in four parts:

Topic task – You need to talk about a topic you have already prepared
Collaborative task – The examiner reads the candidate a prompt. The candidate responds to the prompt by starting, leading and maintaining the interaction and discuss it with the examiner
Conversation task – Discuss a topic with the examiner on one of the C1 subject areas
Independent listening tasks – You listen to a recording twice, the first time you have to summarize in one or two sentences what the speaker is generally talking about, the second time you can take notes and you have to give details about the listening to the examiner


1. Understanding the basics of computer management

2. Managing free space on the server

  • Configuring tiered storage
  • Extending and shrinking partitions


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